3 Ways To Give Your Look a Desi Touch

South Asian fashion, food and culture is everywhere. Whether it’s in the latest fusion recipe at your favourite restaurant or an outfit on your favourite celebrity, it’s quickly becoming part of the mainstream. Obviously we LOVE all things Desi, so we thought that today on the blog we would share 3 Ways to Give Your Look a Desi Touch.

1. Kajal
Kajal or Kohl is a traditional eye makeup that has been used in India for centuries. It may have started as a cultural tradition, but kajal has become popular everywhere. It’s usually applied on the lower part of the eyes and it give you a beautiful smoky and exotic look. Add it to your make-up routine to bring out your eyes and to give your look a desi touch. If you’re not sure how to apply it, here’s a great tutorial from Zuri:

2. Traditional Kurti with Modern Pants
A kurti, or what we would call a tunic, is a long shirt that originates in South Asian culture. It can be worn very traditionally or you can modernize it to wear in your everyday wardrobe. How you might ask? If you pair it with some leggings, skinny jeans or even leather jeggings, you are going to look fabulous! And you’ll probably have others trying to imitate your look! Check out 8 different ways to wear a kurti from Tanvii.com

kurti with jeggings
Kurti paired with leather jeggings

3. Jodhpuri Pants
This is another fashion trend that comes from India and has been applied to western style. The  Jodhpuri pants  have been around since the late 19th century and they were first brought into mainstream fashion by Coco Chanel. Today they can be seen in different colors and patterns for both men and women. Grab a pair and top it with one of your favourite fitted shirts for a fabulous fusion look!

Photo Source: Bagout.com/Jabong.com
Photo Source: Bagout.com/Jabong.com

I don’t know about you, but these looks all make me feel like going out and doing a bit of shopping! If you like the idea of adding a desi touch to your look, which one is your favorite? And if you are an expert at this, what is your favourite way to style in some South Asian flair?

Today we are also linking up with #3ThingsThursday hosted by Love Laugh Mirch, The Write Balance and Pink Chai.

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